
Backing Up Large Artifactory Instances

For instances with a large set of data, alternative routes are suggested. This is because large backups can take a significant amount of time to complete, which may even overlap your cron duration and cause missed backup intervals. The purpose of a backup is to make data available even in case of hardware failure, or perhaps get it ready for migration to a different version or instance. Spending too much time on backups is counterproductive, especially when you really need the backup!

Filestore Backup

A third party IT backup solution with snapshot/copying capabilities can provide better control and performance. It should be pointed to your $ARTIFACTORY_HOME location in your file system.

Amazon S3 Versioning Service

Services such as S3 are ideal for enterprise level, since they are in the cloud and provide automatic scaling according to need, which eliminates hours of manual work for administrators. They also have a good history of near zero data loss. Using S3 for binary storage enables the option to use Amazon’s S3 versioning service to backup and restore binaries on S3.

The S3 versioning service can also be used to safely backup and restore binaries with the same security and authentication mechanisms provided by S3. In addition, the binary log (Binlog) will keep track of the previously deployed binaries and their paths, correlated to the checksum based filestore residing on your S3 bucket.

Release Bundles Repository

This immutable will protect your artifacts as part of the Enterprise+ distribution flow. Artifacts that have been created and signed are automatically copied and saved into this separate repository where their contents can not be edited or removed. This ensures consistency of distribution among target instances. Even if the original artifacts are removed from the original repository, they will continue to stay in the release bundle repository, available for distribution. These release bundles are created and managed in JFrog Distribution, and generally distributed from a source Artifactory instance to Artifactory Edge nodes.

* Available for Enterprise+ when upgrading to both Artifactory 6.5 and Distribution 1.3.

Загадочные древние артефакты – тайна тысячелетий

Иногда археологические находки ставят ученых в тупик. Таких примеров тысячи. Около города Белграда были найдены письмена, получившие название алфавит Винча. Они датируются 6000 годом до нашей эры. Расшифровать их до сих пор не смогли, и ученые сомневаются, что это удастся сделать в ближайшем будущем.

В 1901 году в Греции среди обломков затонувшего старинного корабля был найден необычный предмет, состоящий из шестерен, шкал и циферблатов. Удалось установить дату изготовления этого механизма – примерно 85 год до нашей эры.

Если сравнивать этот древний артефакт с приборами более позднего времени, он соответствует техническому уровню VIII века. Каким образом более двух тысяч лет назад и для каких целей был создан этот механизм (его назвали антикитерским), точно неизвестно. Устройство было реконструировано несколькими специалистами в области механики. Они убеждены, что служило оно для моделирования движения Солнца, Луны и планет.

How Artifactory stores your binaries and what’s so special about it?

The classic way to protect your binaries is by using recurring backups of your files, and having them available for use in case anything goes down. Artifactory has specific ways to backup your binaries so that you may import them back into a new instance and keep all your references. As described in the following section, the way Artifactory stores your binaries is a bit different than your usual storage, so that has to be taken into consideration for these tasks.

Artifactory stores both binaries and their metadata. The metadata is stored in a Derby database (by default), and includes information such as the checksum, repository, path, created time, and so on. The actual binaries are, however, stored separately. Depending on how you configure your filestore, the files will be stored in one or multiple locations, using their SHA1 checksum value as the file name and the first two characters of the SHA1 value as the folder name. For example, with a default Artifactory installation you’ll find the following structure in the $ArtifactoryHome/data/filestore.

Artifactory offers a deduplication feature that will save you countless GBs or even TBs of space, using checksum based storage.

This is why it’s important to backup your filestore, as well as the database or metadata of these files. Depending on the size of your instance there are different approaches.

By referencing binaries by their checksum, pretty much like Git or Dropbox do, and not relying on filesystem paths same-content files are never stored more than once. This is one of the few ways you can optimize the storage of binaries.
Checksum-based Storage
Artifactory was built from the ground up for optimal management of binaries with the capability to support any package format that emerged in the software development domain. One of the key features enabling these characteristics is Checksum-Based Storage. Learn More >>

Виды и свойства артефактов

Чем отличается сей магический предмет от обыкновенной вещи? Внешне ничем. Это может быть любая вещь, которая подверглась энергетической зарядке. После проведения соответствующей процедуры предмет приобретает магическую силу и определенные свойства. По назначению артефакты подразделяют на следующие виды:

 1. Стихийные, накапливающие энергию разных стихий

 2. Энергетические – предназначенные для восстановления сил

 3. Ментальные (манипулируют памятью, эмоциями, чувствами)

 4. Целители – артефакты, используемые для исцеления болезней

 5. Магические – предметы для проведения различных церемоний

 6. Защитные, используемые в качестве оберега

 7. Комбинированные (для решения нескольких задач)

Каждый созданный артефакт служит только одному хозяину, иногда и его семье. Поэтому украденный или одолженный магический предмет будет в лучшем случае просто бесполезен. Однако, известны случаи, когда украденные талисманы-артефакты причиняли ущерб здоровью, удаче или благосостоянию людей, пользующихся ими не на правах хозяина.

Люди нередко по незнанию держат в своем доме предметы, которые приносят несчастье. Чужие артефакты, особенно приобретенные без согласия законного владельца, определенно относятся к этой категории.

Virtual Repositories

A virtual repository (or «repository group») aggregates several repositories with the same package type under a common URL. 

The Default Virtual Repository (Deprecated)

Artifactory offers an option to use a global virtual, which contains all local and remote repositories.

By default this option is disabled, to enable the Default Virtual Repository edit the ‘artifactory.system.properties’ located at $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc and set the following flag to false:

## Disable the download access to the global 'repo'

This change requires you restart your Artifactory service.

Once enabled the repository is available at:

Virtual Resolution Order

When an artifact is requested from a virtual repository, the order in which repositories are searched or resolved is local repositories first, then remote repository caches, and finally remote repositories themselves.

Within each of these, the order by which repositories are queried is determined by the order in which they are listed in the configuration as described in  below.

For a virtual repository, you can see the effective search and resolution order in the Included Repositories list view in the Basic settings tab. This is particularly helpful when nesting virtual repositories. For more details on configuring a virtual repository please refer to Virtual Repositories.

Team or Product

A projectKey or team name is the primary identifier of the project. You can choose to tailor the abbreviation based on your corporate naming conventions. With JFrog Projects a Project Key is automatically used instead of using the entire product name. On the other hand, the repository can be created outside of the Project and allocated to it later on, hence the Project Key is not mandatory and some prefer to use team or product name. The main idea is to choose a name that is relevant and easily understood by your team.

For example: tiger

Choosing the level of granularity for the project/team/product name part of the naming convention is one of the most difficult parts of developing a naming convention. This will be further discussed later on in this white paper, in the repository organization section. However, due to virtual repositories, this is also something that can be changed fairly easily later on if need be, so don’t worry too much, instead pick something easily understood and consistent and see whether it works for you.

Basic Settings

The following are fully described in the Common Settings page.

In addition, in the Repositories section of the Basic settings screen you select the Available Repositories you want to include in the new virtual repository and move them to the Selected Repositories list.

This list can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping within the Selected Repositories list.

The Included Repositories section displays the effective list of actual repositories included in this virtual repository. If any of the available repositories you have selected are themselves virtual repositories, then the Included Repositories section will display the local and remote repositories included within them. The Included Repository list is automatically updated in case any of the nested virtual repositories change.

Using Includes and Excludes Patterns

The ability to define and Includes Pattern and an Excludes Pattern for virtual repositories (especially when nesting is used) provides a powerful tool you can use to manage artifact requests in your organization.

For example, your organization may have its own artifacts which are hosted both internally in a local repository, but also in a remote repository. For optimal performance, you would want these artifacts to be accessed from the local repository rather than from the remote one. To enforce this policy, you can define a virtual repository called «remote-repos» which includes the full set of remote repositories accessed by your organization, and then specify an Excludes Pattern with your organization’s groupID. in this way, any attempt to access your internal artifact from a remote repository would be rejected.

Consider another example in which you wish to define a virtual repository for your developers, however you wish to keep certain artifacts hidden from them. This could be achieved by defining an Excludes Pattern based on groupId, source or version.


Right at the heart of the DevOps pipeline, JFrog Artifactory is the central hub for all of your binary needs. In production, every minute is valuable. Whether it’s to deploy your latest packages or to cache openly available packages, it is vital that you have all of your binaries available at all times. The challenge is that there is no such thing as an indestructible computer or a flawless piece of software, and this is why we must make sure to have a backup plan, literally.

This white paper describes several methods for tackling these concerns, in hopes that one will work best for your organization.

Virtual Repositories

A virtual repository (or «repository group») aggregates several repositories with the same package type under a common URL. 

The Default Virtual Repository (Deprecated)

Artifactory offers an option to use a global virtual, which contains all local and remote repositories.

By default this option is disabled, to enable the Default Virtual Repository edit the located at and set the following flag to :

## Disable the download access to the global 'repo'

This change requires you restart your Artifactory service.

Once enabled the repository is available at:

Virtual Resolution Order

When an artifact is requested from a virtual repository, the order in which repositories are searched or resolved is local repositories first, then remote repository caches, and finally remote repositories themselves.

Within each of these, the order by which repositories are queried is determined by the order in which they are listed in the configuration as described in  below.

For a virtual repository, you can see the effective search and resolution order in the Included Repositories list view in the Basic settings tab. This is particularly helpful when nesting virtual repositories. For more details on configuring a virtual repository please refer to the Virtual Repositories page.


Organizing repositories and picking a naming convention is one of the first and most significant decisions a JFrog Artifactory administrator needs to make. While good use of virtual repositories can allow changes later, it is best to pick a naming convention up front.

This white paper has presented various considerations for a repository organization and naming convention that should help you answer the following question: “how many repositories do I need?”. It provided a four-part convention, <projectKey/team>-<tech>-<maturity>-<locator>, which can be used as a basic best-practice guideline for your naming and organization structure. Using this suggested convention, most organizational questions become fairly clear.

Although team granularity can be a bit of a challenge, this granularity is usually decided according to security, performance and operability concerns. While you may have to adjust granularity over time, a good naming convention combined with using virtual repositories can make this a relatively painless process for your team. Additionally, you can use virtual repository aliases to avoid breaking builds as you move forward.

Выбранные репозитории [ править ]

В следующей таблице перечислены несколько языков с репозиториями для предоставленного программного обеспечения. В столбце «Автоматические проверки» описаны выполненные стандартные проверки.

Очень немногие люди имеют возможность тестировать свое программное обеспечение в нескольких операционных системах с разными версиями основного кода и с другими добавленными пакетами, которые они могут использовать. Для R — комплексная сеть архивов R (CRAN)регулярно проводит тесты. Чтобы увидеть, насколько это ценно, предположим, что Салли предоставляет пакет A. Салли запускает только текущую версию программного обеспечения под одной версией Microsoft Windows и только тестировала ее в этой среде. С более или менее регулярными интервалами CRAN тестирует вклад Салли в дюжине комбинаций операционных систем и версий программного обеспечения на основном языке R. Если один из них выдает ошибку, она получает это сообщение об ошибке. Если повезет, этого сообщения об ошибке может быть достаточно, чтобы позволить ей исправить ошибку, даже если она не может воспроизвести ее с помощью имеющегося у нее оборудования и программного обеспечения. Затем предположим, что Джон вносит в репозиторий пакет B, который использует пакет A. Пакет B проходит все тесты и становится доступным для пользователей. Позже Салли представляет улучшенную версию A, которая, к сожалению, ломает B.Автоматические проверки позволяют предоставить Джону информацию, чтобы он мог решить проблему.

Этот пример демонстрирует как сильные, так и слабые стороны системы дополнительных пакетов R: CRAN поддерживает этот вид автоматического тестирования добавленных пакетов, но для пакетов, внесенных в CRAN, нет необходимости указывать версии других добавленных пакетов, которые они используют. Существуют процедуры для запроса конкретных версий пакетов, но участники могут не использовать эти процедуры.

Помимо этого, репозиторий, такой как CRAN, выполняющий регулярные проверки предоставленных пакетов, на самом деле предоставляет обширный набор специальных тестов для разрабатываемых версий основного языка. Если Салли (в приведенном выше примере) получает сообщение об ошибке, которое она не понимает или считает неуместным, особенно из разрабатываемой версии языка, она может (и часто делает с R) обратиться за помощью к основной группе разработчиков. . Таким образом, репозиторий может способствовать повышению качества программного обеспечения на основном языке.

Язык / цель Процесс разработки пакета Репозиторий Методы установки Платформа совместной разработки Авточеки
Haskell Общая архитектура для создания приложений и библиотек Взлом кабала (программное обеспечение)
Ява Maven
Common Lisp Quicklisp
.СЕТЬ NuGet NuGet
Node.js npm
PHP ГРУША , Композитор PECL , упаковщик
Python Инструменты настройки PyPI пип , EasyInstall , PyPM , Anaconda
р Процесс проверки R CMD КРАН install.packages пульты GitHub Часто на 12 платформах или комбинациях различных версий R (devel, prerel, patchched, release) в разных операционных системах (разные версии Linux, Windows, macOS и Solaris).
Рубин RubyGems Архив приложений Ruby RubyForge
Ржавчина Груз Ящики Груз

(Части этой таблицы были скопированы из «Списка самых популярных репозиториев по языку программирования» на сайте Stack Overflow )

Многие другие языки программирования, в том числе C , C ++ и Fortran , не имеют центрального репозитория программного обеспечения с универсальной областью действия. Известные репозитории с ограниченным объемом включают:

  • Netlib , в основном математические процедуры для Fortran и C, исторически один из первых открытых репозиториев программного обеспечения;
  • Boost , строго подобранный набор высококачественных библиотек для C ++; некоторый код, разработанный в Boost, позже стал частью стандартной библиотеки C ++.

Universal Solution

No single packaging format or technology is sufficient to support development in a modern organization. There is a multitude of formats, a variety of build tools, different continuous integration systems and other technologies that go into building a flexible and maintainable software development ecosystem. Managing binaries for all the different packaging formats and integrating with all the moving parts of the ecosystem can become a tooling and maintenance nightmare.

With Artifactory, there is no need to manage development with each different package format using a dedicated solution. Artifactory was designed from the ground up to fit in with any development ecosystem. Uniquely built on checksum-based storage, Artifactory supports any repository layout and can, therefore, provide native-level support for any packaging format. Essentially, regardless of the packaging format you are using, Artifactory can store and manage your binaries, and is transparent to the corresponding packaging client. Artifactory currently supports the following packaging technologies: Maven, Gradle, Docker, Vagrant, Debian, YUM, P2, Ivy, NuGet, NPM, RubyGems, PyPI, Bower, CocoaPods, PHP, GitLFS and more.

But development is only one end of the software delivery pipeline. Before a package makes it into a product, it needs to go through processes of build and integration. There are many build and integration tools on the market, but there is only one product that works with them all. Through a set of plugins, Artifactory provides tight integration with popular CI systems available today such as Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity and TFS. These systems use Artifactory to supply artifacts and resolve dependencies when creating a build, and also as a target to deploy build output. And to support cloud-based CI systems on which you are not able to apply plugins, Artifactory provides plugins for the build tools you use (such as Maven and Gradle) which ultimately provides the same level of build automation.

End-to-End Artifact Management

JFrog Artifactory is just one component of a complete and tightly integrated end-to-end solution for artifact management available through JFrog’s suite of products. As a complete solution to an organization’s software delivery pipeline, Artifactory works seamlessly with the other products in the suite.

JFrog Bintray – Universal Distribution Platform

Bintray is JFrog’s software distribution platform that natively supports all major package formats allowing you to work seamlessly with industry standard development, build and deployment tools.

To learn more about JFrog Bintray, please visit jfrog.com/bintray.

JFrog Mission Control – Universal Repository Management

Mission Control offers centralized control, management and monitoring for all your enterprise artifact assets globally. By providing a clear and instant picture of the relationships and flow between your different development organizations, Mission Control provides your IT and Ops leaders real-time visibility into your worldwide development, distribution, and consumption of software packages.

To learn more about JFrog Mission Control, please visit jfrog.com/mission-control or download the whitepaper at jfrog.com/support-service/whitepapers/.

JFrog Xray – Universal Artifact Analysis

Xray works with JFrog Artifactory to analyze software artifacts and reveal a variety of issues and vulnerabilities at any stage of the software application lifecycle. By scanning binary components\ and their metadata, recursively going through dependencies at any level, JFrog Xray provides unprecedented visibility into vulnerable components lurking anywhere in your organization.

To learn more about JFrog Xray, please visit jfrog.com/xray or download the whitepaper at jfrog.com/support-service/whitepapers/.

General Resolution Order

You can set the order in which repositories of each type (local, remote and virtual) are searched and resolved by simply ordering them accordingly within the corresponding section of the Configure Repositories page. To set the order you need to add the repositories to the list of selected repositories in the order in which they should be searched to resolve artifacts.

The order in which repositories are searched is also affected by additional factors such as security privileges, include/exclude patterns and policies for handling snapshots and releases.

Setting Priority for Safe Remote and Local Repositories

You can declare local and remote repositories as ‘safe’ by enabling the ‘Priority Resolution’ field for local and remote repositories. Setting Priority Resolution takes precedence over the resolution order when resolving virtual repositories. Setting repositories with priority will cause metadata to be merged only from repositories set with this field. If a package is not found in those repositories, Artifactory will merge metadata from the repositories that have not been set with the Priority Resolution field.

Automation Through REST API and CLI

Artifactory provides full automation control over your repository management and release life- cycle through an extensive set of powerful REST commands some of which are also wrapped in a Command Line Interface.


In order to integrate with automation tools such as Build Servers and Continuous Integration systems, Artifactory exposes an extensive REST API that provides access to its features anywhere in the development cycle effectively letting you automate any action you could do through the UI. Some of the key operations available through the API are:
• Managing builds, repositories and artifacts
• Performing searches
• Applying configurations such as creating repositories, users, groups, permission targets and more
• Performing maintenance tasks such as backups, import, export and more.


JFrog CLI is a compact and smart client that provides a simple interface that automates access to
Artifactory (and all other JFrog products through their respective REST APIs). By using the JFrog CLI, you can greatly simplify and optimize your automation scripts making them more readable, easier to maintain and efficient. Some key advantages of using JFrog CLI are:
• Parallel uploads and downloads 
JFrog CLI lets you upload and download artifacts concurrently by a configurable number of
threads which helps your automated builds run faster.
• Perform maintenance tasks
JFrog CLI optimizes both upload and download operations by skipping artifacts that already exist in their target location by checking the artifact’s checksum. If it already exists in Artifactory’s storage, the CLI skips sending the file, and, if necessary, Artifactory only updates its database to reflect the artifact upload.
• Wildcards and regular expressions
JFrog CLI supports wildcards and regular expressions giving you an easy way to collect all the artifacts you wish to upload or download.
• Upload preview
All upload operations can be used with the –dry-run option to give you a preview of all the files that would be uploaded with the current command.

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